Tuesday, June 16, 2009


When we cross the age of sixty, many more diseases are entering to stay in our body. The main role of our job after the retirement is to face all of these diseases. I am one of these persons doing this role, name is Swaminathan. I am retired person from a private concern, from the post of General Manager. I have lots of experience in my official and personal life. My only son is living in USA with his wife and with his cute son. Me and my sweet heart are living in chennai. We are very happy and enjoying our life, but one is the biggest problem to wake up on early morning for walking. This is the advise of doctor to control the sugar and fate. He advised me that if it is possible, jogging is better one. I have been jogging and walking since last month.

I have been seeing lots of people who those are walking with their friends, wife, sons and etc. I watch the activities of everybody in the road. Some people walk slowly and discuss about the yesterday events, political news and somebody discuss about their official works and challenges. They have needed to pass the time on walking without the tiredness. But I haven't tried to make the friendship with them. Generally I am calm person and don't believe others in my life except my mother and wife. Because of, In my college life, I got lots of lessons from my friends with their misbehaviors. Also from my office colleagues, the same thing was happened. I haven't seen any truthful friends who those are living around me. I am scared about the friends. So that I can't make friends here.

It was an amazing early morning. A street light which emits light without sleep the whole night. A small boy is sitting in the bench under that light who is wearing canvas shoes for jogging. I have seen him daily in the same bench since the last week. Whenever I cross that place, I look him and just give a smile. But I haven't seen him by walk and jog.

In one morning, I reach him and sit next of him.

“What is your name?”, I asked him and waiting for the reply. I just wait for two seconds and once again asked the same question.

“Nitin”, he replied.

“What a palindromic name is!”, this is me.

He just smiled and turned his face down. I understand that he is disturbed.

“Did you come alone?”.

“No,With my grandfa.”

“Good. I think you are disturbed by something. Any problem?”

“hmmm. I have missed my Dany?”

“Who is Dany?”

“It is my Dog.”


“I missed my Dany when I was sitting in this bench before one week. My Dany knows this bench. Thats why I am waiting here.”

“Where is your grandfa?”

“He is rounding the park by walk.”

“Ok don't worry. You should get your Dany back soon. I hope. I pray for you.”. I start to walk.

“Thanks uncle.”

In that day evening, I went to my native for a function in my relative home. After a week, I returned to Chennai.

I have started walking on next morning and seen him in the same bench. What a surprise?. I see him with a dog.

I reached him and asked,

“Is this Dany?”

“Yes uncle. I have been waiting for you from last week. ”


“I got my Dany after a day which you told to pray for me. I want to thank you for your prayer. Thank you very much uncle.”

“Are you waiting for me to say thanks”


I am really happy to see a truthful boy.


“ Shall we be friends?””, he asked me. I am really happy to get a good friend.

“Sure. You are my best friend.”